Owner Access
Ocean City, MD




Zoom Meeting Information:

Meeting ID: 799 277 5544
Passcode: 176620



LATE FEE POLICY: Given the challenge of moving to a new management company, we relaxed the Late Fee Policy during the transition.  We are now in a position to re-institute the late fee policy and counsel each owner to make both the quarterly dues payment and the special assessment on time to avoid the late fees. Please note that the second payment of the special assessment is due on September 1st.

UNIT OWNER KEYS: As we approach the fall when the roof replacement project will begin, we ask that each owner ensure that he or she has provided the management company a valid, working key to the unit for the contractor to inspect third floor units and turn off (and turn back on) the hvac units as each of the 8 remaining sections of roof are replaced.

ROOF REPLACEMENT PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING SUMMARY: Preconstruction meeting with ETC, Tecta and Susan held on 8/7 at 2 pm. 4 people representing Tecta, Kirk representing ETC, Susan representing Tiburon and Mike representing CPM.

Preliminary Notes subject to change:

  1. Original start date was Sept 30 but will be delayed until Oct 30.  Kirk notes the work will occur during cold weather.  Tecta is preparing for it.  Total project time: 150 calendar days or 5 months estimated from start to finish.
  2. Time extensions allowed for issues beyond their control, e.g., wind, rain, temperature.
  3. Logistics with HVACs removal and installation.  No HVAC possible for 2 weeks from when they are removed to when they are reinstalled.  Emergency heat should be functioning but no guarantee.
  4. HVACs will be inspected by Tecta before removal to notify the owners if their a/c unit needs to be replaced.  If anyone is looking to replace their unit, now is the time.
  5. Kirk has requested to have Tecta inspect HVAC units sooner than later.  HVAC contractor will provide report.  All agreed
  6. Change order--Rot is most typical.  Documentation for change orders forthcoming.
  7. Kirk requested Tecta to provide schedule by September 1, with staging areas identified.  Grounds to be cleaned during process.
  8. Tecta requests payment for materials delivered onsite.  Materials for all bldgs. Will be delivered onsite first.  Parking lots will be used for staging areas.  No parking allowed in staging areas per Tecta schedule.  Material will be shrink wrapped, tarped and put on pallets.
  9. Kirk emphasized communication with owners.  Board must communicate regularly.
  10. Daily work schedule 6:30 am--6:30 pm.  Saturdays are possible from 9-5.
  11. Owners can report issues through the portal or the Tiburon website.
  12. Kirk will inspect the roofs on original roof installs.  Progress mtgs during the beginning.
  13. Will be a noisy project especially for 3rd floor units.
  14. Tecta will need unit access to all units for HVAC disconnect and reconnect.
  15. Kirby will be the field person responsible from Tecta.
  16. Mgmt will require an email if Tecta is not working on a particular day.  Tecta will provide generators.  Tecta may need to use the Association’s water.
  17. No one is allowed on the roof during the construction process, except Susan, ETC, Tecta and CPM management, with advance notification.
  18. Tecta must inspect top floor units ceilings and walls before starting.
  19. Owners might remove important items from their walls that could be damaged.


Recently Tiburon has experienced a number of very expensive pipe blockages due to owners/renters not taking care to minimize what is put down their sinks.  (In one of our buildings, the blockage backed up and came out of the drain in the laundry room creating a huge mold issue and serious cleanup effort--not to mention rendering the laundry room unusable and inaccessible for much of the season.

These blockages cost each of us money to fix and can be avoided with a little care in how one uses the kitchen sink.  Remember the building pipes are smaller in diameter than what is used today and what is up to code and these pipes are nearly 50 years old!  Even with a garbage disposal, care needs to be taken not to put grains (rice, pasta, etc) or oinion peels or potato peels or crab debris to name a few inappropriate items down the disposal--eventually they will clog up the lines.  When in doubt, put your debris in the trash can,  And of course never put any food down the drain where there is no disposal. So to save all of us the headache and additional repair costs, exercise caution over what you put down your drains.  Your neighbors will thank you!



ON MAY 22, 2024, TIburon was provided a summary set of bids to replace its roofs.  Contract to replace the remaining roofs was signed with Tecta, the company that replaced a section of roof in November 2023 and the company that has been on contract to Tiburon for years to conduct annual preventive maintenance on its roofs.



Please ensure you have a copy in your unit and read, understand, and comply with the pool and tennis court rules.  Also please ensure that your guests/renters understand and comply with these rules. 



Tiburon owners now have a choice in paying both special assessment and quarterly condo fees--(1) one may choose to continue to pay dues using Mann Property-produced payment coupons, envelopes, and mailing address (PO Box 3899, Ocean City, MD 21843); or (2) use the electronic payment system described in cmoc.managebuilding.com. 



The following are 2 emails Nov-Dec 2024 from Amy Wasko, previous Board of Director's President, to all Tiburon owners discussing Tiburon’s roof project, 2024 Budget, and Search for a new Management Company. 



Here are links to 2 stories in Ocean City Today from October 2023 on rising insurance rates:
Ocean City condo owners face huge bills after Maryland law mandates reserve funds
Insurance costs jump 40-150 percent for some OC condos, property managers say
Click here for general conparison of Master insurance policy coverage versus individual homeonwer's policy coverage..

In October 2022, Maryland passed a law that requires all HOA and Condo Associations to conduct reserve studies at least once every 5 years and to fund the replacement/repair costs accordingly within a 3 year time frame.  Text of the law can be found here.



Long-time and short-time owners at Tiburon all understand that too often large bulk items are placed alongside the 2 dumpsters at Tiburon.  This is both costly to the Association to have the city pick up the waste and unsightly for everyone.  Below is an announcement of the annual Spring Cleaning, free, bulk pick up at Tiburon on March 23, 2024.  Please review the announcement here and note the list of prohibited items (e.g., tires, building materials, hazardous waste, paint, oil, rocks, dirt) that the city will not pick up at any time of the year.



Here is a description of dumpster usage at Tiburon.  Please note that use of the 2 dumpters on Tiburon property are for Tiburon owners and guests only. 



Tiburon is on a water loop system, which means turning off water for one unit will turn off the water for every owner in the building.  To minimize the inconvenience to fellow owners/renters, please contact Coastal Property Management at 443-373-8349 before scheduling any plumbing modification that would require your water to be turned off. Furthermore, plumbing projects need to be planned and executed Tuesday through Thursday, preferably from 9:00 am to 1:00pm, if possible, to minimize disruption to neighbors. 

Once informed, Coastal Property Management will communicate via email with all owners in your building that the water will be shut off for a limited amount of time on a specific date.  Please be considerate and allow sufficient time to provide advance notice to owners and residents of the date and time when the water will be shut off.  Thank you for your consideration.



Based on estimates contained in the 2023 Reserve Study, Tiburon will need a minimum of $950,000 to replace all of its roofs.  Replacement of our roofs are being mandated no later than December 2024 by the Insurance carrier because they are 25 years old, irrespective of their good condition. Tiburon was informed that insurance could not be provided unless the roofs were replaced. Based on this rough estimate, which will be fleshed out and developed with bidding and our engineering oversight in 2024, owners have been assessed in the following manner.